The "Live Papers" of the Human Brain Project
Brain Simulation Platform are interactive documents
that refer to recently published scientific articles whose content is
related to the work, tools and services publicly available on
the Platform. Interactivity is the unique feature of the
"Live Papers": specific links on the documents will allow you to
download, visualize or simulate data, models and results presented in the
By clicking on the paper link, the "Live Paper" will be opened on a
different tab of you browser window.
By clicking on the HBP icon

you will open, instead, the document inside
the HBP Collaboratory workspace -Collab- that the authors have
created for the article to collect additional comments, data or tools
they may want to share*.
* Some of the tools used in the "Live Papers" and the article Collabs
require an account on the HBP Collaboratory platform.
If you do not have an account yet and
are willing to get one, please send us an email to
bsp-support [AT]